Enjoy a collection of links and resources related to medical art and the profession.
useful links and information on the field
Association of Medical Illustrators - AMI
(U.S. Based Association)
(U.S. Based Association)
Association Européenne
des Illustrateurs Médicaux et Scientifiques - AEIMS
(European Association)
des Illustrateurs Médicaux et Scientifiques - AEIMS
(European Association)
Photography links and resources
Fine art Photography by Wayne Heim:
I proudly shoot Fuji and Olympus (OM Systems) cameras.
Olympus Cameras
I proudly shoot Fuji and Olympus (OM Systems) cameras.
Olympus Cameras
Additional Resources
The Art List - The Art World's Source for Art Contests, Art Competitions, and Opportunities For Visual Artists and Photographers. Search The Largest Listing Of Art & Photo Calls Online!